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High Court to decide Akon Guode infanticide, murder sentence anomaly

How should you punish someone who has committed two very different crimes at the same time?

That's the dilemma before the High Court, which is considering whether to extend the prison sentence of a Melbourne woman who killed three of her seven children by driving her car into a lake.

This program contains distressing themes, if this raises issues contact Lifeline 13 11 14


Simon Moodie, a criminal solicitor representing Akon Guode at Stary, Norton Halphen.

Natalia Antolak-Saper lecturer, Monash University Faculty of Law.

Anne Buist, Perinatal psychiatrist, Professor Women's Mental Health, University Melbourne and Austin Health

Dr Russell Wate QPM, Founder RJW Associates, safeguarding consultant, former British homicide detective, specialist in investigating child deaths.

Duration: 28min 36sec

Broadcast: Tue 19 Nov 2019, 5:30pm

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High Court to decide Akon Guode infanticide, murder sentence anomaly

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