03 8622 8200

WorkCover and TAC Fraud

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WorkCover and TAC Fraud

Both WorkCover and the TAC have substantial resources to investigate alleged overpayments or payments to people who they say are not eligible.

Responding to these investigations and handling your engagement with investigators is a vitally important part of any defence to such allegations.

At Stary Norton Halphen we are in a position to assist you in navigating this difficult process and to ensure that the balance of power does not shift in favour of the prosecutors.

Early Advice

The sooner you can obtain advice regarding your obligations and rights in these matters the better. Ensuring you are not only dealt with fairly but that your best interests are being promoted and protected is a key part of what Stary Norton Halphen can do for you.

Responding to charges

Whilst the aim of early engagement is to avoid criminal proceedings being brought any accused person must be able to adequately respond to any charges which are laid and to prepare the best defence available.

At Stary Norton Halphen we have the experience and expertise to guide you through the criminal process and to meet head on the resources of the prosecution. Our lawyers have the knowledge and experience to ensure that all relevant evidence is obtained from the prosecution and to understand what further inquiries might need to be made on your behalf.

We have the skill to negotiate on your behalf any settlements which might be reached - but importantly have the willingness and ability to fight for you in court.

Expert Criminal Lawyers

If you have received correspondence from an investigating agency, have been interviewed or charged - or believe that you will be soon - call us immediately on (03) 8622 8200

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Our Offices

Advice from a competent and experienced criminal lawyer before you are interviewed can and often does have a meaningful impact on the outcome of your case and in some instances, is the difference between whether your matter proceeds to court or not.

For urgent after hours advice call
(03) 8622 8200

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Awarded as a top-tier firm by Doyle’s guide in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024